居住於美國賓夕法尼亞洲匹茲堡的生物化學家-卡爾 羅茲 博士, 最近在該市出版的一本營養雜誌上面, 發表一篇極惹人注意的文章,說是蘆筍在治療癌症方面,有著極優異的結果, 這裡特地請人翻譯出來, 供給癌症患者,以及有關係的人士做為參考: 卡爾羅茲自稱是一名生物學者, 在過去的數十年之間不斷的研究有關食物的健康問題,不敢說有多大的建樹,但卻有了多少的心得, 今天在此與各位談談有關癌症的問題, 希望對同患者有多少的幫助。 數年前,我的好友李察德,賓西爾大學博士, 發表了專題演講說:「蘆筍或許能夠治療癌症」以來,我頗有共鳴之心, 從此以後,我在自己本份的工作之內, 時常與賓西博士共同從事研究蘆筍與癌症的關係, 如此經過了一段時間之後,我們發現了蘆筍確是能夠治療癌症,而且效果還相當的良好, 我們特地從很多的實例中, 舉出具有代表性的 45個例子供大家做為參考:一名男子罹患了惡性的淋巴腺癌, 醫生診察之後,只有搔搔頭,說是絕對沒有恢復健康的希望了, 該男子請求於我們,我們告訴他蘆筍療法, 如此只經過了 1 年後,醫生再檢查的結果, 竟然全無癌腫的痕跡了。 醫生在驚愕之餘,宣佈了他已經痊癒, 於是他又重新回到了他工作的崗位,從此不再罹患此病了。


一名 67 歲相當成功的商人,十多年前罹患了膀胱癌, 他輾轉求醫,吃盡了各種的藥品,以及試盡了各種療法, 仍舊是絲毫不見效,幾乎是要心灰意懶了,最後抱著姑且一試的心理嘗試蘆筍療法, 前後只實行了三個多月,再前往醫院檢查之後, 發現膀胱裡面的腫脹物已經完全的消失,再度恢復了健康。


一名男子罹患了肺癌,於1971 3 月接受了切開手術, 醫生檢查之後,發現癌腫已經擴充開來, 情況相當的嚴重,實在不能再著手醫治了,於是他把切口再封閉起來,使患者自生自滅了。

4 5 日該男子開始了蘆筍療法,每天有恆地持績下去, 如此到了 8 月,當他前往醫院接受 X 光檢查的結果, 發現所有的癌腫竟完全的消失了。


一名婦女長年以來為皮膚癌所苦,吃藥打針,不但沒有治癒皮膚癌, 反而在幾年之後長出了7種不同的皮膚癌, 使醫生都感覺到束手無策,拿她毫無辦法,這時她接受了友人的勸告,實行了蘆筍療法, 每日不斷,3個月之後再前往檢查的結果, 一切的皮膚癌症都消失了,疼痛亦無形中消失,醫生告訴她癌症已經完全的痊癒了。 這位婦女說: 蘆筍療法不僅治癒了她的癌症,亦治好了她的腎臟病。 因為自從1949年以來,她陸續接受了30次的腎臟結石的切開手術, 由於醫療費用毫無著落,後來由政府補助醫療費。 她竟然靠著廉價的蘆筍治好了多年的皮膚癌以及腎臟病,怎能不叫她欣喜萬分呢? 不過我聽到了這道消息並不感到震驚, 因為1971年,賓夕法尼亞大學發行的醫學雜誌, 即提起蘆筍可能是腎臟結石的妙藥,又如1972年的雜誌亦刊載蘆筍可能消除膀胱結石等等。




這個問題並不困難, 只要把蘆筍先行煮熟,或者使用罐頭裝的蘆筍也可以,功效是相同的, 然後把蘆筍放入果汁機裡面打成泥狀, 把這種蘆筍製成的泥狀物盛在容器裡, 放入冰箱的冰凍室裡面,早晚各吃 4大匙。


羅茲博士說,這種的蘆筍泥的效果非常良好, 患者在連續服用 3 個星期或 4 個星期之後,即會發現效果, 至於吃法不必拘泥於形式,憑各人的愛好即行,用菜湯沖泡,或者冷開水沖薄之後飲用亦可, 因為這不同於一般的化學藥品,即使多吃亦不致造成災害, 有時候甚至有吃的必要呢! 身為生物化學者的我,以專業的立場深信古老的一句說法:「有效的食療法,亦可以用來預防疾病的發生」。 如今大家都談癌色變, 我與妻子為了預防這種棘手疾病之故, 每天三餐都食用蘆筍泥,用菜湯沖泡或水沖薄之後飲用, 然後按時檢查血液,結果我倆的身體一直健康無恙。站在生物化學者的立場,我曾經仔細研究癌的成因以及治療。 依我看來,蘆筍療法乃是時下最新的癌症治療法。 我們研究蘆筍的之後,發現它含有多量的某種蛋白質, 這種蛋白質能夠增值新的細胞,不但能夠抵抗癌腫的增值,亦能變成我們身體的刺激劑, 使新陳代謝加強,增進身體的健康。 總而言之,蘆筍療法並非化學藥品療法, 是故,不必擔心有副作用,絕對不會毒害及身體,可以放心的使用。 本篇資料由朴子市農會李豐榮股長所提供, 因為其尊翁曾罹患膀胱癌症末期, 在施善友人好心介紹「蘆筍療法」後, 抱著姑且一試的心情照章實施, 一日數次,經數月之食用治療之後,果真效果奇特不藥而癒。 李股長為感念善德,廣贈資料以濟救世人。



Asparagus -- Who knew ?


I personally like asparagus and can't see how this could hurt. If anyone knows anything about this, let me know.


I have never heard anything about this before, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try it……… This is from a friend


My Mom had been taking the full-stalk canned style  asparagus that she pureed and she took 4 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did  this for over a month. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3  lung cancer in the pleural area and her cancer cell  count went from 386 down to 125 as of this past week. Her oncologist said she does not need to see him for 3 months.



Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article, entitled, Asparagus for cancer 'printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. I will share it here, just as it was shared with me:

I am a biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer. Since then, I have worked with him on his project.  We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples:


Case No. 1,

A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.


Case No. 2,

a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.


Case No. 3,

a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th

1971, he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the Asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.. He is back at his regular business routine.


Case No. 4,

a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different  skin cancers which were diagnosed by the acting   specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.


I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of material medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania , stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Note the dates! We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.


For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh. I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives. Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. Patients usually show some improvement in from

2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases. As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that

`what cures can prevent.'


Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.

We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold. For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups. The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink. As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer.


Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth.. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic. In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.

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