7:40am 與Nextweek包友約好再安康路/安祥路碰面 他把金勇100 像騎重機般殺灣 漂亮過灣無法追焦 可惜!
Nextwee帶路下太早趕到8:30 慈湖前的小七 集合時間素9:00
7:40am 與Nextweek包友約好再安康路/安祥路碰面 他把金勇100 像騎重機般殺灣 漂亮過灣無法追焦 可惜!
Nextwee帶路下太早趕到8:30 慈湖前的小七 集合時間素9:00
When you fast your digestive system is resting, which will let your body heal other parts of the body that have not gotten a lot of attention from our immune systems. Some may think that you will go into starvation mode and your body will shut off burning less fat. This simply is not the case. Your body first will burn off the stored sugars. Then it will focus on all the stored damaged tissue land toxins lurking in the body. Then it will go to fat. Research has shown that very little muscle will be burned until your body goes into starvation, which is after your fat stores are used up. Muscle and "good tissue" will be used up at the very end.
最近吃了紅糖綠豆湯 味道跟以前吃的都不同 翻出舊資料 再看過一次 跟大家分享
黑糖是什麼原物料製作的?紅糖(brown sugar俗稱黑糖)、 砂糖、冰糖(rock sugar),