When you fast your digestive system is resting, which will let your body heal other parts of the body that have not gotten a lot of attention from our immune systems. Some may think that you will go into starvation mode and your body will shut off burning less fat. This simply is not the case. Your body first will burn off the stored sugars. Then it will focus on all the stored damaged tissue land toxins lurking in the body. Then it will go to fat. Research has shown that very little muscle will be burned until your body goes into starvation, which is after your fat stores are used up. Muscle and "good tissue" will be used up at the very end. 


You will still pass some waste even after a couple of weeks. Basically (not to get too personal) my stool was a plastic looking substance. I am assuming this is dead tissue and toxins that had been building up over years in my body. That is the main purpose to fasting is to rid your body of stored toxins. Your tongue will be coated with the toxin everyday. Just make sure you brush your tongue with toothpaste a couple of times everyday. My blood pressure went down considerably. My energy level was great. The hunger pangs stopped after a couple of days. I never felt hungry to be honest. that you are not doing it to lose weight; you are doing it to give your digestive system a rest and to rid your body of stored toxins. A juice fast will also serve to flush your body of toxins and give your digestive system a rest. It just takes longer than the water fast. 
I need to mention that you will grow spiritually. You'll start to realize how little we need to survive and how much God provides for us everyday. You'll start to realize how blessed we are and how much we take food for granted. You'll be able to enjoy less rich foods and start to have an appreciation for everything. Yes, people will think you are crazy. They will tell you it is unhealthy, but the research will tell you otherwise. Of course I'm going to tell you to do it under doctor's supervision (even though I didn't). No doctor will tell you to do it to rid your body of sickness. However it has been proven that fasting can cure you of allergies, high blood pressure, depression, high blood sugar, etc. How come you don't hear about fasting in the media, doctor's journals, or even in chat rooms? Well how much profit is in it? How much can drug companies and other large corporations make from it? I think you've already answered the question. 

Don't take my word for it!!! Do your own research on it. Below are a few links that will help you out.


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